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About MMM & BattleDawgs

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via the Parade of Boats & the Fish Fry

“The Lonely Doctor traverses off a beaten path, onto the road less traveled. Despite the uneven, sad, and often dangerous trail, nothing breaks the Lonely Doctor’s persevering march, for the quest is noble. Mission work is a deeply human experience. The journey is a lonely one as it is often very personal. It all starts from within. A single step. A pair of hands. Along the way, every step taken inspires another and multiplies the pair of hands as others rally behind the Doctor’s benevolent mission”,

The founding of Montero Medical Missions in July 2011, is epitomized in our new MMM logo. Based in Chesapeake, Virginia, USA, its mission and vision are to combine the humanitarian efforts of a medical missioner and that of a Peace Corps volunteer. This was accomplished through the creation of sustainable healthcare projects, both domestic and international. On the domestic front, its innovative Health Fair for Veterans project was recognized by the American College of Surgeons at its 100th Clinical Congress in October 2013, by having the MMM Abstract Project Presentation displayed alongside academic institutions’ posters. Currently, MMM is in partnership with the Alaska Battle Dawgs’ camp clinic involved in naturopathic healing of veterans with TBI and PTSD diagnoses through the addition of MMM Prosthetic, Eyesight 20/20, Dental Care projects plus HBOT chamber availability. MMM Educate the Children and Technology Donation projects always elicit grateful accolades from the recipient Elementary Schools and Foundations in the Philippines. This year’s Philippines Presidential Award ‘Kaanib ng Bayan’ is most welcome.

Since its inception, MMM continues to exist despite having no salaried employees, developing its mission work through fundraising activities plus careful strategic volunteerism relationships and partnerships with humanitarian corporations, foundations, and service organizations. Our domestic project has recently been focused on the Dental Care and Treatment of veterans in need, in partnership with the Chesapeake Care Clinic Dental Division. The new partnership this year with Alaska Battle Dawgs will expand our fundraising efforts, now concentrated on the patriotic 1st Annual Parade of Boats and Fish Fry in Virginia Beach on Sunday, May 29, 2022. One hundred percent of the net proceeds are to benefit the 650 acres camp clinic in Talkeetna, Alaska where our ailing veterans will have options to different therapies such as salmon fly-fishing, music, art, etc. and the standard medical treatment to be anchored by Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. We welcome everyone’s participation in all MMM fundraising activities, especially at this unique, fun Parade of Boats/Fish Fry in whatever capacity and means. We owe it to our veterans and to those whose ultimate sacrifice bravely protected and gave us the freedoms we dearly treasure.

Montero Medical Missions is fortunate to be an international humanitarian organization with an exceptional continuing domestic presence, serving mainly our veterans with healthcare needs. Our future plan other than an infusion of Philippines multiple projects/programs is to establish sustainable healthcare projects with a foothold in Romania for Eastern Europe, Zambia for Africa, Paraguay for South America, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, and the Caribbean region. Connections are already in place. We are at the mercy of when the pandemic dust settles and safety is assured. Above all, it boils down to when MMM has enough funds to send our volunteers with expertise in the projects to be started. Our biggest asset is having connections in the United States with healthcare professionals of any expertise needed by the country we serve. Most importantly, we encourage and welcome MMM donors and supporters to join us in our mission work, as ambassadors of goodwill for Uncle Sam. It is very rewarding