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Cabo Verde – Fogo Island

Empowering Cabo Verde: Building a Brighter Future Together


Dear esteemed Cabo Verdean Community and Allies,


It is with immense pride and a sense of shared destiny that we, the Montero Medical Missions team, reach out to you. Our journey to revitalize and empower our beloved homeland of Cabo Verde has reached a pivotal moment and your support is crucial in making this dream a reality.


We have already achieved a significant milestone by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with the government of Cabo Verde and received a personal letter of support. This agreement and letter, celebrated during our meetings with the Mayor of Fogo and the President of the Republic of Cabo Verde in Praia (respectively), paves the way for transformative projects that we are eager to share with you through photos and stories. 


Our mission encompasses a series of initiatives designed to uplift the health, education, and overall well-being of our communities:


1. Technology for Healthcare and Education: We are introducing telehealth services, online education platforms, and remote work capabilities. This technological revolution will bridge the gap between Cabo Verde and the global community, offering unyielding opportunities for Telehealth, Online education, jobs and much more.


2. Enhanced Learning Environments: By adding full computer classrooms and initiating English as a Second Language in elementary schools, we aim to equip the younger generation with essential tools for global engagement and success.


3. Free Dental Clinic: Access to dental care is a cornerstone of community health. Our mission includes establishing a free dental clinic to provide quality dental services, ensuring that everyone has access to the oral health care they need.


4. Mental Health and Rehabilitation Center: Recognizing the critical importance of mental health, we are committed to partnering in the creation of a center focused on mental well-being and rehabilitation. This facility will provide much-needed support and resources for mental health care.


These unique initiatives, with a clear focus on sustainability, mark a new and crucial chapter in the history of Cabo Verde – one where technology, health, and education converge to create a brighter, promising future. To make these plans a reality, we need your support. We are seeking both financial contributions and specific supplies. A detailed “wish list” is attached for your convenience.


It is important to note that 100% of your contribution, whether in funds or supplies, will be an investment in the heart and soul of Cabo Verde. It is a unique opportunity to give back to our beautiful homeland and to foster a legacy of health, education, and prosperity for generations to come.


Join us in this noble cause. With your help, we can make a lasting impact and truly transform the future of Cabo Verde.


Thank you for your generosity, your belief in our mission, and your commitment to our shared homeland.


Warm regards,


Nat DePina-Daniel


Our initial trip was a resounding success and a HUGE leap towards our goal!
Take a look at some of our photos!