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St Lucia Dental Mission 2023

September 16th, 2023, Montero Medical Missions (MMM) will be collaborating with key members of Saint Lucia’s community to provide dental education and dental services to more than 500 patients. Global studies repeatedly show that poor oral health and diseases of the mouth can lead to other serious concerns, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, thousands of people experience pain, difficulty chewing, low self-esteem, poor nutrition, and other complications resulting from oral disease, simply because they lack resources to access dental care.

Crossing international boundaries, Montero Medical Missions delivers and establishes sustainable healthcare projects by partnering with physicians and allied health professionals worldwide, sharing blessing and healthcare with their fellow countrymen. On December 1, 2022, a fact-finding team from MMM arrived in St Lucia and was greeted by the most caring and passionate St. Lucians we could have prayed to partner with.

To date, over 15 MMM members and St. Lucian leaders are collaborating and planning a top notch dental mission.  The dental mission team will be strategically placed at primary schools, assisted living facilities, and in eight dental clinics, throughout the Island. 

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Will you consider partnering with us?

The dental clinics in St. Lucia are in need of dental materials, equipment, instruments, and in many cases, repairs. In order to provide optimal dental treatment to the many patients awaiting our return, we have compiled a must have, wish list .

Our project depends on partners like YOU! Your contribution WILL change lives!